Comedy • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
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This Is My Brain... On a Tuesday Night On Fire Rant - Oct 10th, 2023

Enter the mind of Jeremy Scott Gibbs with Co-hosts Larry Parsons, GMA Connie Gibbs and Kelli Uphaus as they discuss local news, state happenings and wars and rumors of wars and the distractions throughout the world...

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This Is My Brain... On A Tuesday Night Year End Recap Rant - Dec 26th, 2023

Enter the Mind of Jeremy Scott Gibbs with Co-host Larry Parsons and returning special guest Norris Hardeman as they do a year in review rant.

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This Is My Brain... On A Sunday Night Conversation with Kevin Rinke - Oct 15th, 2023

Enter the Mind of Jeremy Scott Gibbs with co-host Larry Parsons as they sit down for conversation with 2022 Michigan gubernatorial candidate Kevin Rinke to discuss life, liberty and maybe even a little politics...

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